Creator: jMozac Teams: jMozac, Abdul Djalil Djayali, Ketek Perry, Ałļ_Nëţ, xretsu, PWNED, jPublic, Ipank Veslia, Deden Gobel, Gazali Umawaitina, ᚜⊆gulam hazmin⊇᚛, Black Gunange, Progrez.Cloud Touched: 02 Desember 2023 - 10:59 Description:
What does it do?
Progrez.Cloud is project management web based. It can be used for monitoring projects progress by main and sub tasks. Both can be a report for team and client. Because there is a dashboard for team, and a frontend for projects client.
Why do you need it?
Sometime we can't answer simple question like "What percentage of the project has been done?" , and Progrez.Cloud has the answer in number and data by solved tasks.
Who is it for?
Not just a team project or paid project. Progrez.Cloud can be used by who has a plan to do as single person. So, anybody can use Progrez.Cloud
What makes it stand out from the crowd?
You have github for expert users. We have Progrez.Cloud for newbie users.
Whats next?
Our scheduled plan is still on going. We have lots of task to do.